Here is an update on our SSE process.
Update for School Self Evaluation November 2021:
The school’s focus has been on improving Teanga O Bhéal from Naíonaín Bheaga to Rang a Sé.
As part of this process, we have conducted the following:
- Gathered information from teachers and school leaders anonymously using Microsoft forms.
- Created a focus group from 2nd, 4th and 6th class and interviewed a selection of children to gather their thoughts on speaking Gaeilge.
- Received feedback from parents of children currently in 5th and 6th class to get an honest opinion along with thoughts, feelings and ideas on the level of Oral Gaeilge in the school.
Moving forward it has been agreed to create a set of questions that will be taught at each class level. The details of these questions are being worked on at the moment. These will replace the Nathanna Cainte that we currently use as the feedback was that ceisteanna would encourage conversations more.
The SSE team will monitor and review the questions at each level as they may need to be tweaked.